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Informe SG Levels

Jun 15, 2021 | 0 Comentarios

What was a quiet day ended with a bang – the SPX gained ~20 handles in the final ~30 minutes. SPX options volume was strong at 1.3mm contracts, with the VIX higher 4.6% (.74pts). That is a strange divergence to go with a strange move into the close. Given this large move the S&P still only close +18bps on the day.

Our friends at ZeroHedge posted a large piece about the upcoming rebalance which essentially outlines what we have been forecasting: this expiration could be a catalyst for large volatility. Along with that they note how low realized volatility is, which echoes what we noted this morning: that this could be a sensible time to consider some volatility protection.

Model Overview:

While markets hold 4200 we look for a low volatility grind higher, with 4250 the overhead target. 4160 is the gamma flip line, and therefore critical support.

SpotGamma Proprietary Levels Latest Data Previous SPY NDX QQQ
Ref Price: 4255 4254 425 14117 344
SpotGamma Imp. 1 Day Move: 0.72%, 31.0 pts Range: 4224.0 | 4286.0
SpotGamma Imp. 5 Day Move: 4248 2.05% Range: 4161.0 | 4335.0
SpotGamma Gamma Index™: 1.05 1.05 0.24 0.04 0.02
Volatility Trigger™: 4195 4195 420 13490 339
SpotGamma Absolute Gamma Strike: 4225 4225 425 14000 340
Gamma Notional(MM): $648 $640 $1,424 $6 $460
Additional Key Levels Latest Data Previous SPY NDX QQQ
Zero Gamma Level: 4223 4209 0 0 0
Put Wall Support: 4000 4000 410 13200 320
Call Wall Strike: 4275 4275 425 14000 345
CP Gam Tilt: 1.29 1.35 1.45 1.64 1.44
Delta Neutral Px: 4046
Net Delta(MM): $1,523,495 $1,523,316 $204,041 $38,530 $76,924
25D Risk Reversal -0.05 -0.05 -0.06 -0.05 -0.05
Top Absolute Gamma Strikes:
SPX: [4275, 4250, 4225, 4200]
SPY: [425, 424, 423, 420]
QQQ: [345, 340, 335, 330]
NDX:[14000, 13900, 13800, 13500]
SPX Combo: [4281.0, 4259.0, 4306.0, 4264.0, 4332.0]
NDX Combo: [14272.0, 14484.0, 14061.0, 14145.0, 14117.0]
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