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Informe SG Levels

Abr 27, 2021 | 0 Comentarios

A rather dull day in the SPX which closed +18bps, QQQ +87bps and RUT +115. The major 4194 Combo Strike quoted this morning served to cap things on a day with light SPX options volume. The VIX actually closed higher on the day to 17.64.

Model Overview:

4000 – 4200 range into May OPEX. Gamma is currently moderate, and we see fairly low volatility unless markets break the 4100 level.

Signal Name Latest Data Previous SPY NDX QQQ
Ref Price: 4181 4168 417 14017 341
VIX Ref: 17.64 14
SG Gamma Index™: 0.84 0.83 -0.04 0.02 -0.04
Gamma Notional(MM): $406 $273 $562 $3 $-124
SGI Imp. 1 Day Move: 1.0%, 42.0 pts Range: 4139.0 | 4223.0
SGI Imp. 5 Day Move: 4168 1.83% Range: 4092.0 | 4245.0
Zero Gamma Level(ES Px): 4139 4131 0
Vol Trigger™(ES Px): 4095 4095 414 13450 338
SG Abs. Gamma Strike: 4150 4150 415 14025 330
Put Wall Support: 3900 3900 410 13375 325
Call Wall Strike: 4200 4200 422 14025 345
CP Gam Tilt: 1.34 1.21 1.19 1.4 0.89
Delta Neutral Px: 3946
Net Delta(MM): $1,240,262 $1,236,554 $183,717 $39,509 $72,470
25D Risk Reversal -0.07 -0.07 -0.06 -0.06 -0.07
Top Absolute Gamma Strikes:
SPX: [4200, 4150, 4100, 4000]
SPY: [420, 415, 410, 400]
QQQ: [340, 335, 330, 325]
NDX:[14025, 14000, 13750, 12850]
SPX Combo: [4202.0, 4252.0, 4303.0, 4227.0, 4231.0]
NDX Combo: [14106.0, 14246.0, 13839.0, 13629.0, 14050.0]
SPX resistance is: 4200. Support is: 4150 .Reference ‘Intraday Support’ levels for support areas.
The total gamma has moved has moved UP: $405MM from: $273.00MM
Gamma is tilted towards Puts, may indicate puts are expensive
Positive gamma is moderate which should lead to smaller market moves. Average Range on day is 1.5%
