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Informe SG Levels

Sep 14, 2021 | 0 Comentarios

Futures were quiet overnight, currently 4460. We look for another day of decent volatility, with an SG Max move of 1.1%. Resistance remains at 4500 with support at 4452 and 4425.

As we discussed both last night and forecast in previous weeks, the reflexive bid that usually arrives on each and every dip has been absent these last few days.  With gamma being quite flat and vol sellers skittish ahead of the FOMC, the fuel tank for a “V” recovery seems empty.  In other words the usual gamma and vanna trades are not yet available.

The current position remains that if sellers arrive, that will invoke negative gamma and could start a strong selloff.

Model Overview:

4500 support, 4550 resistance into 9/17 OPEX. VIX Exp 9/15 opens a window of weakness into 9/22 FOMC.

SpotGamma Proprietary Levels Latest Data Previous SPY NDX QQQ
Ref Price: 4475 4476 446 15439 376
SpotGamma Imp. 1 Day Move: 1.11%, 50.0 pts Range: 4425.0 | 4525.0
SpotGamma Imp. 5 Day Move: 4.55% 4472 (Monday Ref Px) Range: 4269.0 | 4676.0
SpotGamma Gamma Index™: 0.10 -0.13 -0.01 0.03 -0.11
Volatility Trigger™: 4425 4415 448 15070 379
SpotGamma Absolute Gamma Strike: 4500 4500 450 15075 380
Gamma Notional(MM): $-63 $-198 $82 $3 $-522
Additional Key Levels Latest Data Previous SPY NDX QQQ
Zero Gamma Level: 4476 4477 0 0 0
Put Wall Support: 4300 4300 430 15030 350
Call Wall Strike: 4500 4500 450 15075 385
CP Gam Tilt: 1.02 0.92 1.02 1.17 0.72
Delta Neutral Px: 4321
Net Delta(MM): $1,687,408 $1,694,403 $218,076 $53,361 $97,961
25D Risk Reversal -0.07 -0.07 -0.08 -0.07 -0.08
Top Absolute Gamma Strikes:
SPX: [4525, 4500, 4450, 4400]
SPY: [450, 448, 445, 440]
QQQ: [380, 375, 370, 365]
NDX:[15500, 15075, 15000, 14450]
SPX Combo: [4503.0, 4552.0, 4507.0, 4529.0, 4601.0]
SPY Combo: [449.71, 454.62, 450.15, 452.39, 459.53]
NDX Combo: [15086.0, 15796.0, 15179.0, 15379.0, 15673.0]
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